Sides Deck


Sides Deck

Think beyond the canned and frozen veggies and excite your taste buds with Dealing Dinners 50 great “Sides” to take your dinner to the next level. Team this “Sides” deck with your dinner idea or bust the dinner rut with any of our entrée decks. To expand your menu a lot of these sides can be an entrée.

972 in stock


Dealing Dinners™ Sides deck offer the perfect pairings to our other delicious decks.

Additional information

Weight 0.22 lbs

Cards do not duplicate with any other decks
Made and Distributed in the USA
Free Shipping within the 48 continuous United States

Product Size

3.625 in (9.21 cm) x 2.625 in (6.67 cm) x 0.75 in (1.91 cm)
Weight: 3.5 oz


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