50 States Deck


50 States

Take a vacation from your current dinner menu and travel with Dealing Dinners on a food journey as we tour all of the “50 States.” Each of the 50 cards in this deck represents a state and an entrée that is enjoyed by its locals. Every one Entrée Deck expands your dinner menu over 7 additional weeks without duplicating. Don’t forget the “Sides Deck,” something as simple as swapping the sides gives your dinner a whole new taste.

469 in stock


Dealing Dinners™ 50 States Deck brings the best meals from around the country to your table.

Additional information

Weight 0.22 lbs

Cards do not duplicate with any other decks
Made and Distributed in the USA
Free Shipping within the 48 continuous United States

Product Size

3.625 in (9.21 cm) x 2.625 in (6.67 cm) x 0.75 in (1.91 cm)
Weight: 3.5 oz


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