Granny Style


Granny Style

Going to Grandma’s always included a great, home cooked meal and dessert. In this “Granny Style” deck, Dealing Dinners has 50 different entrées including some of the old fashioned classics and comfort foods, that will bring you back to those memorable times. And, like grandma used to say, “eat your vegetables or no dessert.” Don’t forget to pair this deck with the “Sides” and “Desserts” decks.

473 in stock


Dealing Dinners™ Granny Style deck gives the best feeling of delicious homecooked meals.

Additional information

Weight 0.22 lbs

Cards do not duplicate with any other decks
Made and Distributed in the USA
Free Shipping within the 48 continuous United States

Product Size

3.625 in (9.21 cm) x 2.625 in (6.67 cm) x 0.75 in (1.91 cm)
Weight: 3.5 oz


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